Oracle Data Pump - expdp, impdp
Efficiently export and import data using Oracle Data Pump utilities.
Oracle Data Pump is a fast data movement utility provided by Oracle. It’s an upgrade to old export and import utility. The Data Pump utility has been built from scratch and it has a completely different architecture.
Advance Topics
For scenarios like database migrations, schema refreshes, or full database refreshes, Data Pump is a powerful tool. Check out our detailed guide on refreshing an Oracle database using Data Pump
Create Data Pump Directory
The first step in Oracle Data Pump is to create an OS level directory which will be used by Oracle for performing exports and imports. Create directory at OS level
mkdir -p /u02/dp_exp_dir
Create directory inside the database
SQL> create directory datapump as '/u02/dp_exp_dir';
Grant permissions on directory
SQL> grant read,write on directory datapump to scott;
View directory information
SQL> select * from dba_directories;
Get help on expdp or impdp utility
expdp help=y
impdp help=y
Table Export and Import
Take table level export
expdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=emp_bkp.log tables='SCOTT.EMP'
Import table where source and target schema are same
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emp.log tables='EMP'
Import table to another schema
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emp.log tables='EMP' remap_schema='SCOTT:HR'
Import tables to another tablespace (only in datapump)
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emp.log tables='EMP' remap_schema='SCOTT:HR' remap_tablespace='USERS:MYTBS'
Import table to a different name or rename table or remap_table
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emp.log tables='EMP' remap_table='SCOTT.EMP:HR.EMPLOYEE'
Import only the rows from an exported table without loading table any table definitions
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emp_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emp.log tables='EMP' content=DATA_ONLY
Schema Export and Import
Take schema level export
$ expdp directory=datapump dumpfile=scott_bkp.dmp logfile=scott_bkp.log schemas='SCOTT'
Import source schema objects into same schema on target
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=scott_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_schema.log remap_schema='SCOTT:SCOTT'
Import source schema objects into a different schema on target
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=scott_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_schema.log remap_schema='SCOTT:HR'
Rows Export and Import
Take row level export
$ expdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emprows_bkp.dmp logfile=emprows_bkp.log tables='SCOTT.EMP' query=\"where deptno=10\"
Import rows where source and target schema are same
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=emprows_bkp.dmp logfile=imp_emprows.log tables='SCOTT.EMP'
Full Database Export and Import
Take database level export
$ expdp directory=datapump dumpfile=fullprod.dmp logfile=fullprod.log full=y
Import full database
-- On source
SQL> select name from v$tablespace;
-- On target
SQL> select name from v$tablespace;
-- Create missing tablespaces on target
-- Make sure target tablespace has enough free space
-- Drop all non-oracle schemas (done during refresh)
-- DROP USER <username> CASCADE;
$ impdp directory=datapump dumpfile=fullprod.dmp logfile=imp_fullprod.log full=y
Data Pump Import Over Network
When you try to move large tables or schema between two Oracle databases, datapump export might take lot of disk space. The exported dump files may take lot of space on the disk. The best workaround is to use dblink with Oracle datapump to move data from one oracle database to another.
Note: when you use datapump with dblink, there are no dumpfiles created on source. The data is transferred from one database to another over network
Add source database TNS entry into tnsnames.ora of the target database
devdb =
(SERVICE_NAME = devdb)
On target, we need to create a database link using the TNS entry created above
create database link SOURCE_DB connect to scott identified by tiger using 'devdb';
It's time to import source schema on target database via db link. Run below command on target database to start import
create or replace directory MY_DUMP_DIR as '/u01/dump_files';
impdp directory=MY_DUMP_DIR LOGFILE=dblink_transfer.log
network_link=SOURCE_DB remap_schema=scott:hr
To import multiple schemas, make sure to use a DBA user (sys) to perform this action
impdp sys directory=MY_DUMP_DIR LOGFILE=dblink_transfer.log
network_link=SOURCE_DB schemas=IJS,scott,hr
Data Pump Performance Tuning
You can always use DIRECT=y parameter to perform faster exports and imports. You can also use PARALLEL parameter to start multiple export and import process for faster performance.
Make sure to use %U with the dumpfile name so multiple dumpfiles can be read/write simultaneously
expdp directory=DUMP_DIR DIRECT=y dumpfile=SCOTT_%U.dmp logfile=expdp_SCOTT.log schemas=SCOTT parallel=4
impdp directory=DUMP_DIR DIRECT=y dumpfile=SCOTT_%U.dmp logfile=impdp_SCOTT.log schemas=SCOTT parallel=4
EXPDP PAR File Example
Data Pump jobs can be automated using PAR file. You basically create one par file which contains all the export or import parameters and just call the par file at expdp utility
vi exp.par
And! Its very simple to call the above export PAR file
expdp parfile=exp.par
You can specify any extension but it is recommended to use .par
Schedule Data Pump Export in crontab
Create a file which contains expdp script
export DATE=$(date +%m_%d_%y_%H_%M)
export ORACLE_SID=orcl
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/expdp username/password@sid directory=export_dir dumpfile=backup_$DATE.dmp logfile=backup_$DATE.log full=y
Give permissions to execute on above file
chmod 755
Schedule export under crontab
crontab –e –u oracle
Data Pump Export Progress %
When you run a data pump export in the background and want to know the progress status, use below query to get the percentage (%) completion of the export process
DBMS_DATAPUMP Export/Import From SQL*Plus
You can invoke DataPump export / import inside SQL*Plus even if you do not have access to OS level EXPDP / IMPDP utility. It replaces traditional export/import utilities and provides a much more efficient way to move large amounts of data. Let's start the Export and Import using DBMS_DATAPUMP PL/SQL API.
Export Schema Using DBMS_DATAPUMP
We will export the table from testuser1 from ORCL Database to testuser1 to PROD Database. Create a directory for dumps and log
mkdir -p /u01/dp
Create an Oracle directory object pointing to the physical location
create or replace directory test_dir AS '/u01/dp';
grant read, write on directory test_dir to testuser1
Let's export EMP table from testuser1 schema
l_dp_handle number;
-- Open a table export job.
l_dp_handle :=
operation => 'EXPORT',
job_mode => 'TABLE',
remote_link => NULL,
job_name => 'TESTUSER1_EMP_EXPORT',
version => 'LATEST');
-- Specify the dump file name and directory object name.
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => 'TESTUSER1_EMP.dmp',
directory => 'TEST_DIR');
-- Specify the log file name and directory object name.
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => 'expdpTESTUSER1_EMP.log',
directory => 'TEST_DIR',
-- Specify the table to be exported, filtering the schema and table.
handle => l_dp_handle,
name => 'SCHEMA_EXPR',
value => '= ''TESTUSER1''');
handle => l_dp_handle,
name => 'NAME_EXPR',
value => '= ''EMP''');

Let's review the log file to verify the export status and be sure.

Import Schema Using DBMS_DATAPUMP
Create an Oracle directory object pointing to the physical location on target server
create or replace directory test_dir AS '/u01/dp';
grant read, write on directory test_dir to testuser1;
Let's import EMP table in testuser1 schema and change table name to EMP2
l_dp_handle number;
-- Open a schema import job.
l_dp_handle :=
operation => 'IMPORT',
job_mode => 'TABLE',
remote_link => NULL,
job_name => 'TESTUSER1_EMP_IMPORT',
version => 'LATEST');
-- Specify the dump file name and directory object name.
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => 'TESTUSER1_EMP.dmp',
directory => 'TEST_DIR');
-- Specify the log file name and directory object name.
handle => l_dp_handle,
filename => 'impdpTESTUSER1_EMP_IMPORT.log',
directory => 'TEST_DIR',
-- Perform a REMAP_TABLE from EMP to EMP2.
handle => l_dp_handle,
name => 'REMAP_TABLE',
old_value => 'EMP',
value => 'EMP2');

Note: As it is a table import, make sure the schema is already created.