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Grant Select on all tables in a schema
Grant select privileges on all tables within a schema efficiently.
I encountered this situation where I wanted to grant SELECT on all the tables owned by one user to another user.
There are two simple ways to achieve this
Generate SQL for each table
In this method, we will generate GRANT SELECT statement for each table using below query. Here we are trying to GRANT SELECT on each table owned by HR user to SCOTT user
Select 'GRANT SELECT ON HR.'||Table_Name||' TO SCOTT;'
From All_Tables Where Owner='HR';
Here is the sample output of the above command

Now you can execute individual statements from the above output to GRANT SELECT ON all HR tables to SCOTT user.
Using simple LOOP statement
We can take use of PL/SQL and write a simple loop statement as below to automatically execute the GRANT SELECT statements for us. Again we are trying to GRANT SELECT on every table owned by HR user to SCOTT user
FOR R IN (SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner='HR') LOOP
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'grant select on '||R.owner||'.'||R.table_name||' to SCOTT';
Here is the sample output of the above command

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