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Oracle RAC

Oracle ASM Administration

Managing data under ASM disks and diskgroups is very important task for a DBA. In this article, we will be looking at general ASM...

DBCA Does Not Display ASM Disk Groups In 12cR2

I was installing Oracle 12c R2 with ASM but somehow the DBCA did not list ASM diskgroups. After struggling for hours, I could find a...

Oracle 11gR2 RAC Installation on Oracle Linux 6.5

In this article we will be installing 2 node 11gR2 RAC on Oracle Linux 6.5. We will be looking at below steps Configure Virtual machine...

ASM Related Background Process

Oracle ASM instance is built on same Oracle database instance architecture. Most of the ASM background processes are same as the database...

Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) Administration

In this article we will be looking frequently used command to administer Oracle Cluster Registry - OCR. Verify OCR Check OCR Backups OLR...

Startup & Shutdown RAC Instances

Shutting down and starting up RAC instances can be challenging at times. There are various methods with which you start and stop RAC...

Oracle CRSCTL Commands List

CRACTL utility allows you to administer cluster resources. Here are few quick commands to help you administer Oracle RAC cluster! Check...

Oracle ASM Queries

Query to check diskgroups from asm instance Mount Status Header Status Query to check diskgroups from asm instance select group_number,...

ASM Disk Migration to Different Storage

In your environment, you might require to migrate ASM disks from one storage to another storage. The activity is very simple and straight...

11gR2 Non-RAC to RAC Migration

In this article, we will be looking at Non-RAC to RAC migration using DBCA. I have RACN1 and RACN2 where I will show you how to migrate a...

RMAN Backups in RAC

All backups by default go to FRA disk group in RAC. Take RMAN backup to custom location in Oracle RAC RMAN> backup as compressed...

Move Spfile to ASM

With ASM configured for RAC or NON-RAC systems, it is a good idea to move the spfile to ASM. The PFILE under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs location...

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