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Shell Script to Check File or Directory
Verify if a path is a file or directory with a shell script.
Linux shell script allows users to check and determine if the user input is a file or a directory. To achieve this we are using operators -f and -d.
# !/bin/bash
echo "Enter the file name: "
read file
if [ -f $file ]
echo $file "---> It is a ORDINARY FILE."
elif [ -d $file ]
echo $file "---> It is a DIRCTORY."
echo $file "---> It is something else."
Here is the sample output of the above script

More ways to use -f and -d Operators
You can use it to check If a Directory Exists In a Shell Script [ -d "/path/to/dir" ] && echo "Directory /path/to/dir exists."
You can also check if File Exists test -f /etc/resolv.conf && echo "$FILE exists."
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