Basic Linux Commands
This article describes basic Linux commands that you must know as a system or database administrator. Below commands in Linux help you manage any Linux server fast and smoothly.
Linux Command List
Check the article to install Oracle Linux 7 on VirtualBox step by step.
Check CPU Cores in Linux
Use one of the below commands to find number of CPUs in Linux including cores
cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor|wc -l
nproc --all
Linux Create Directory
To create a single directory in Linux
mkdir LinuxForBeginners
To create multiple directory in Linux
mkdir -p /parent/child1/child2/child3
To create a directory by setting permission
mkdir -m 777 directory
To delete directory in Linux
rm -rf /path/to/directory
To copy directory in Linux
cp -R <source directory> <destination directory>
Linux Touch Command
One of the easiest ways to create a new and empty file is the touch command. Use below command to create an empty file
touch firstfile
Create multiple empty files
touch secondfile thirdfile fourthfile fifthfile
Linux Files and Directory Permissions
There are three main permissions that you assign to a file or directory
Read - 4
Write - 2
Execute - 1
And, there are three main levels of permissions
Owner of the file
Other members of the group which owner belongs to
All other users on the server
To give full permissions to owner (read, write and execute), give read and execute permission to other group members and no permissions to all other users
chmod 750 test_file
7 = Read(4) + Write(2) + Execute(1)
5 = Read(4) + Execute(1)
0 = No permissions
To give full permissions on /u01 and also to all the contents inside the folder
chmod -R 777 /u01
Linux WC Command
The wc command allows you to count the number of lines, characters, and words in a text. To count the number of lines in a file
wc -l my_file
To count the number of words in a file
wc -w my_file
To count the number of characters in a file
wc -c my_file
Linux SORT Command
To sort and display the contents of a file
sort my_file
To sort a file in reverse order
sort -r sort_examples
To sort a file and remove the duplicate values
sort -u salary
Linux GREP Command
GREP command is used to search anytime inside a file or output. Linux grep is different from Linux find command. Linux find command is used for searching files and directories. Linux grep is powerful and can be used for searching a pattern inside a file.
To print each line containing the word oracle. The command is case sensitive
grep oracle /tmp/installer.txt
If you want to ignore the case, use -i
grep -i ORAcle /tmp/installer.txt
To search a specific phrase inside a file
grep -i 'oracle database' /tmp/installer.txt
To count total number of lines that contain a specific word
grep -c oracle /tmp/installer.txt
To print line number along the exact line that contains the word oracle
grep -n oracle /tmp/installer.txt
To get the name of the files that contain a specific string (oracle) inside
grep -l oracle file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt
To match the lines which start with the given string or pattern
grep '^oracle' /tmp/installer.txt
To match the lines which end with the given string or pattern
grep 'oracle$' /tmp/installer.txt
Linux Find Command
To find files older than 35 days in a specific directory path and save the output in backupfiles.log. Here the directory we are searching is /backup/logs and -mtime specifies the modified time of a file. We are saving the list of all the files which are older than 35 days in backupfiles.log using Linux FIND command
find /backup/logs -type f -mtime +35 -print > backupfiles.log &
To print files older than 7 days on screen and do not want to save it into a file, use below command
find /backup/logs -type f -mtime +7 -print
To find all the files under current location (as we have specified . dot), search file name starting with arch and ending with log. check file create time with -ctime older than 28 days and then remove those files using rm -f
find . -name arch\*log -ctime +28 -exec rm -f {} \;
Force User to Change Password
To force user to change password on next login, first of all the password must have expired
passwd --expire oracle
Run below command which will force user to change password on next login
chage -d 0 oracle
To check the status of a user's password
chage -l oracle
Managing Groups in Linux
Create a new group in Linux
groupadd grid
Add users to a group
usermod -a -G grid oracle
List all users that belong to a group
grep grid /etc/group
List all the groups that a user belongs to
groups oracle
List all the groups on your Linux server
getent group
Delete a group
groupdel grid
Managing Users in Linux
To list all the users in Linux
cat /etc/passwd
To create a new user with a home directory having the same username
"/home/arun" useradd -m oracle
Add a password to the created user
passwd arun
Create a user with password in the same command
useradd -m oracle -p oracle123
Create a user and assign it to an already existing group
useradd -m oracle -p oracle123 -G oinstall
Add user to multiple groups
usermod -a -G oinstall,dba,grid oracle
Remove users from the group
gpasswd -d oracle grid
To lock the user password and prevent the user from logging in using a password
passwd -l oracle
To unlock a user password on Linux
passwd -u oracle
To delete a user in Linux
userdel -r oracle
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